When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer, I felt like my world was in a downward spiral.  Every little pain made me wonder where else the cancer had spread.  I had never heard of Stage 0 Ductile Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) breast cancer and even asked the nurse and surgery coordinator to take the word breast cancer off of my paperwork.  After my diagnosis, I found it hard to concentrate on anything but breast cancer.  I voraciously researched Stage 0 breast cancer.  My research included information from the internet, libraries, breast cancer survivors, and book stores.  I looked at so many before and after pictures to see what I may look like after surgery.

Janet shares her story of surviving breast cancer
Janet shares her story of surviving breast cancer

Never did I imagine that the diagnosis of breast cancer would bring me closer to my husband, family, neighbors, and friends.  The extreme amount of support everyone gave me at times was overwhelming.  I had no idea so many people cared for me.  From adding me to their prayer lists to sending words of encouragement, I felt such love and care during this difficult time.  At one point, I felt wherever I went, I had this powerful circle of loving people keeping me strong to face my next steps.  I feel very fortunate to have such a wonderful support group helping me face this breast cancer journey.  Since my mastectomy and reconstructive surgery, I continue to receive the love and support from many people.  Some give their love and support in the way of prayers or simply asking how I am doing.  Others give their love and support by walking to cure breast cancer.  And some give their love and support through words of encouragement.  I am so lucky to be surrounded by such beautiful people.

If you are faced with the journey of breast cancer survivorship, please keep in mind that you will get through the difficult times.  Maintain a positive attitude and know that you will be cancer free.  You will become a stronger individual.  You will strengthen your relationships.  You will form strong bonds with other breast cancer survivors.  Ultimately, you will become a more beautiful person.